Friday, October 31, 2008


Weight: 175.2 lbs.
Overnight Loss: 1.8 lbs.
VLCD Day: 39

OK. I was fine with my LIW. I was going out with more of a whimper than a bang, but I can't argue with the fine results. Thanks to Beaker for her continued words of encouragement!

So I get up this morning expecting more of the .2 to .6 stuff I've been seeing and get a number I haven't seen since the first week. I didn't do anything new yesterday except for the fact that I wasn't trying to get any where specifically. I was coasting in to Phase 3. Stress and self-imposed goals probably have something to do with it.

I'll be adjusting the look of this site a little to be more Phase 3 focused over the weekend. I'm really excited to start and see how this goes.

I was talking to a friend about this last night and already planning for my next round next year and she made a great point. "Wait a minute. Slow down and savor this victory. Enjoy this before you start worrying about anything else."

She's so right. I'm taking this a day at a time and enjoying my success for the rest of the year.


Beaker said...

Wow! That's really something.

It's also why I don't understand Dr. Simeon's instructions about LIW. You injected yesterday, so you were likely to lose something today. So why stay within 2 pounds of yesterday's weight. Why not today's?

OK, those are rhetorical questions. No one knows the whys of many Simeon instructions.

Anyway, congratulations on a great phase 2. And your friend is right. Relax and enjoy what you've accomplished.

BEB said...

I agree. I would much rather baseline off today's weight, but I think that is just the control freak in me.