Sunday, February 1, 2009

Current Weight: 172.4 lbs
Overnight Change: -1.0 lbs
VLCD: Day 20

I'm so glad TOM is almost over. Last week was a bit of a downer.

I'm having a hard time stomaching the apple cider vinegar I was doing daily at the beginning and will not be doing that everyday now. I will keep going to the gym as much as I can as I am sure that is helping.

My inches didn't change much this week either. However, my overall inches lost since the start of round 1 are almost 20 inches. Can't argue with that.


Beaker said...

You're doing great. That's a good daily average again.

I've heard apple cider vinegar is good for weight loss, but I don't think I'd be able to take it even once. I can hardly stand the smell of vinegar. Good for you for taking it daily for as long as you did.

BEB said...

This diet is too restrictive to force yourself to eat things you really don't want!

Beaker said...

I agree. That's why I'm not touching fish this time.