Sunday, February 15, 2009

LIW: 165.4 lbs
Current Weight: 165.1 lbs
VLCD: Day 34

I just couldn't take it anymore. I was so hungry and unhappy yesterday. It's probably immunity setting in, because I've never felt so hungry on this protocol. Not once. I had an extra egg yolk yesterday and that seemed to help, but I was still hungry all day.

I'll log back in a little later and recap the major accomplishments of this round. I'm sorry to end early, but it's really time to stop.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Current Weight: 165.4 lbs
Overnight Change: -.6 lbs
VLCD: Day 33

Well, I doubt I'll see the 150's by next Saturday, but you never know. I'm a little disappointed in this round, but I'll be within 20 lbs of my goal weight. 20 lbs is so much easier than 60.

I look a ton better and feel great. I'm also very ready for this to be over. I'll stick it out for any additional weight I can drop, not to mention inches, but I'm ready.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Current Weight: 166.0 lbs
Overnight Change: -.7 lbs
VLCD: Day 32

I've been working for a friend during my works shutdown and had several after work obligations that have left me almost no time for updates. Sorry.

Yesterday was .2 lbs down and today was .7 down. Better.

My LIW will be next Saturday, Feb 21st. There is still a chance for me to hit the 150's, but I'm not going to worry about it. Whatever I lose from here on out will be fine.

There will be daily updates from here on out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Current Weight: 166.9 lbs
Overnight Change: -.3 lbs
VLCD: Day 30

Not much weight loss, but I'm still going in the right direction. More than 20 lbs down and less than 8 lbs from a healthy BMI weight.

I've not got much time left, so I'm trying to make the most of it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Current Weight: 167.2 lbs
Overnight Change: -.6 lbs
VLCD: Day 29

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I'm helping out a friend this week while I'm off and expected I'd have time while at his shop to get on line and update. No dice.

Anyway, it was a .3 lb gain yesterday and I'm sure it was the high sodium chicken broth in the chicken curry. I'm throwing away the rest of the servings and starting again. No big deal - water retention just masks the work the body is doing anyway.

I'll catch up with everyone tonight. I'm going back to my friend's shop really early today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Current Weight: 167.5 lbs
Overnight Change: -.1 lbs
VLCD: Day 27

Whatever. I knew this wasn't going to be a good number. I knew it when I went to bed. So, again, whatever.

My losses are really different this round than last round. Last round I lost every day unless I ate something that didn't agree with me (cabbage). This time it appears to be tiny plateaus, a big loss, stir, then repeat. That's OK, but it's very different.

My inches took a big jump today. My waist, hips and thighs are starting to really show the losses. That's great as that is where I carry most of the extra weight.

I hope everyone else had a successful weekend!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Current Weight: 167.6 lbs
Overnight Change: -2.3 lbs
VLCD: Day 26

Wow! I knew it would be at least a pound due to weighing myself last night and being under my morning weight at bedtime, but I never expected this. I weighed myself three times this morning and did a little happy dance before I got dressed.

Two more weeks - I had two goals when I started this round:

1. Size 8 jeans - right now I'm comfortably in 10's.
2. Weight somewhere in the 150's.

I had been preparing myself mentally for less than what I wanted, but I think both are possible now.

As far as the eggs go, I may or may not do them. Dr. Simeons does talk about using eggs for protein, but it wasn't his first choice. I may just stick it out.