Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Current Weight: 179.4

I'm going to the gym for an hour a day right now and that, combined with the scale switch, is most likely what is causing the additional weight. I hope. I've already had breakfast, so I can't do a steak day.

I will, however, eat carefully today since I won't do as well tomorrow. If I don't see some progress tomorrow morning, we're doing a steak day on Friday.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Current Weight: 177 lbs.

I went to the gym and did cardio today for an hour. It's time to start making the scale go down again.

I think I need to go back to my original scale and take the hit on the weight. I think the travel scale is too changeable. I've been weighing on both for the last 5 days and will have to accept 1.5 extra pounds, but it's really consistant.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Phase 4

Current Weight: 177.6

Today officially starts Phase 4. I created the spreadsheets for my next round in January and did measurements again today - just for a comparison. I've lost another 1/4" off my biceps, thighs, and hips. That brings my inches lost total to 17.5". Not bad.

I've been feeling really paranoid about gaining everything back because I don't have the structure of the VLCD.

Do you know what made me feel better? I looked at the stats on the right bar on my blog and saw my last injection weight of 177 on October 30th. Then I realized that it's almost one month later and my weight is effectively the same and my measurements are slightly better. On the heels of that came the realization that I eat eggs cooked in coconut oil, half&half in my coffee, lots of salads with blue cheese and great veggies. All I have to do is weigh everyday and be conscious of my choices and I will be fine.

You will, too.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.2 lbs.
Overnight Change: - 1.2 lbs.

OK, so brussels sprouts are not my friend. Too bad, becuase I really like them. I'm getting my hair done this morning, so I think I'll take a new picture to post.

Friday, November 21, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 178.4
Overnight Change: + 2.0 lbs.

I am all over the map and a little frustrated. I had to work late, didn't get to have snacks and went to Whole Foods to find dinner. I got smoked chicken (no problem there) but I'm sure my downfall was the brussels sprouts with walnuts. They were so good and the only new thing.

Hmmm. Two pounds in a day is very disconcerting. I'm starting back to the gym in earnest, so I should be able to keep the scale going slowly in the right direction.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 176.4 lbs.
Overnight Change: - .8 lbs.

I had book club last night and, as usual, had three glasses of champagne with the discussion. I had a bunch of water when I got home and didn't see any problems on the scale today.

I've set myself a goal of losing 6 more pounds on my own before I start another round in January. I don't know how realistic that is with Thanksgiving, vacation to Europe, Christmas, New Year's and my birthday in quick succession. I figure that if I don't set some kind of goal for myself I'm likely to go nuts and undo some of my hard-fought progress and I'll hate the hang over in January. All of these events don't have to be huge excess days either.

Work is really slow and we are having RIF's and forced shutdowns for the next few weeks, so I will have more time to go to the gym. That's a good thing. I'm personally not worried about getting layed-off, but I don't have the vacation time to cover all of the time off so things will be a little lean for the next few months.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.2
Overnight Change: + .2 lbs.

Nothing too exciting at this point. Very busy at work and probably not drinking enough water. I find that if I crave anything it's more coffee with cream. I'm still limiting to 1 cup per day in the morning.

I'm not craving sweets and I'm generally doing as I please. I really need to up water intake and exercise as I do want to see some slight weight improvements before I start round two in January. Honestly, I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177 lbs.
Overnight Change: - .2 lbs.

We are fully into the last week of Phase 3. I'm not expecting a huge difference in the change from Phase 3 to Phase 4. I'm going to be cautious.

I'm going to start another round in early January so I don't want to undo any of the progress I've made. I have vacation in early December to Amsterdam where I don't intend to be very good, but I have lots of time after that to eat right and exercise before the next round begins.

I should see the 140's in February. Won't that be weird and amazing!

Monday, November 17, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.2 lbs.
Overnight Change: - 1.2 lbs

Very busy today, so not a huge post. I'm not suggesting trying pasta on this phase. The gain from Saturday was kinda frightening. I focused on protein yesterday and still had a couple of glasses of red wine with a friend and lost more than a pound overnight.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 178.4
Overnight change: + 3.2 lbs.

I know what did this. I went to a party last night that was focused on Mac 'n Cheese in many forms and I had a large cheap beer. It was ghetto in every sense of the word, fun and an interesting experiment. Understand that I tried a bite of almost everything, but I brought organic cheese hot dogs for myself and ate the crazy spinach and okra side dish more than anything.

I will be careful and safe today and I'm sure I won't have any problems. When I get up tomorrow.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 175.2 lbs.
Overnight change: - .2 lbs.

Two nights in a row of mild alcohol consumption with no huge consequences. I can't believe it.

One thing that I started before Phase 2 that I'm doing again now is using coconut oil to cook where ever possible. I have eggs almost every day for breakfast, so I use it there. I keep some coconut butter on hand as well in case I'm not cooking much that day. I know from reading the group posts on HCG Dieters that some people use coconut oil in Phase 2 and continue to lose. I'm not really willing to try that on my next round.

I'm still trying to avoid sweet substitutes and enjoy not really craving dessert or sweet things. This was always a weakness in the past, and I'm really surprised how easy it is to resist now.

Friday, November 14, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 175.4 lbs.
Overnight Change: - 1.0 lbs.

I ate very cautiously yesterday knowing that I would be going to a small get together and would drink a little. I expect my weight will go up some tomorrow since it didn't today.

The beauty of this phase is that with a little planning, you can work some alcohol into your calories and not blow everything. I didn't eat any of the food that was out. I couldn't identify the dips and the chips and cookies weren't allowed and I wasn't really that interested in them anyway. That's a new one for me.

If you like tomato soup, this recipe is really easy and makes a couple of servings:

1 (28 ounce) can tomato puree or use whole and blend (I use diced)
1/2 cup chicken or beef broth
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 dropper of stevia (I leave this out)
1/4 cup milk or cream
4 ounces cream cheese, cubed

Mix in a pan at medium heat until cream cheese melts.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 176.4 lbs.
Overnight Change: - .8 lbs.

Not much to add today. I'm glad to be below LIW again. I'd like to keep it right here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.2 lbs.
Overnight Change: - 2.0 lbs.

Steak days work and they aren't that hard. I started pounding water at 2PM yesterday since I was getting really hungry. I made it to 5PM with no problem after that. I was really worried that it wouldn't work for me, but, like everything else in this protocol, if you follow the instructions it works.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guess what it's time for? STEAK DAY

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 179.2 lbs.
Overnight Change: + .8 lbs.

I'm sure it's water retention due to TOM and water retention due to the Pilates class on Sunday. While I am sure of these things, Dr. Simeon does not make any exceptions for a steak day. Besides, I'm way too close to 180 lbs. right now for my own comfort.

I'm dreading this like I dreaded the one apple day I did in Phase 2.

So, no coffee, but lots of water and tea. I'm sure we'll be back on track tomorrow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 178.4 lbs.
Overnight Change: + 1.4 lbs.

I'm mostly over the cold, but right on the edge of my TOM. I don't think I did anything unusual yesterday, so I'm fairly certain the gain is water retention.

I tried a Pilates class for the first time in months yesterday afternoon. I didn't push myself too hard and mostly enjoyed it. I wonder if the weight change could have something to do with that as well.

I'm stabilizing nicely and am looking forward to Phase 4 for the rest of the year.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177 lbs.
Overnight change: + .2 lbs.

Still a little sick, but not bad. I feel really good about the weight stabilizing and being able to trust myself on eating. I ate out twice yesterday. I know I could have drank more water.

I should be starting TOM in the next couple of days, so I expect I may be retaining a little water.

I would prefer to stabilize a little lower, but I feel good that I am stabilizing as Dr. Simeons prescribed.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 176.8 lbs.
Overnight Change: - .2 lbs.

OK. I'm already completely tired of counting calories. Granted I was home sick again and was working most of the day. However, I know my self and I know I can do the whole write down every once I consume for a while and then it just won't work.

I was very conscious of my choices yesterday, though. Here's what's new. I had no more eggs to eat for breakfast, so I had to go to the store. The coffee bar at the Whole Foods had Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I wanted one so I got it, understanding that it had to have some sugar in it and I was taking a risk. I ate eggs, tomato soup, bacon, turkey & swiss roll-ups in butter lettuce and brussels sprouts for the rest of the day. Nothing too crazy. Lots of water. My weight is down overnight and below LIW again.

I eat when I am hungry and don't when I am not. I've successfully had a coffee bar drink and a piece of sprouted wheat toast without incident. Not both on the same day, of course.

Phase three is scary because there is no regimented eating plan. You have to trust yourself and be ready to act if you cross the line. I am having a mental issue with the weight no longer dropping as well. I want to see more progress even though I know that isn't the point right now. I'm really trying to enjoy having so much more freedom in eating without the crazy weight gain I used to see.

I think I'm going to try yogurt next week.

Friday, November 7, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177 lbs.
Overnight Change: - .2 lbs.
Estimated Calories: 1600

As I was sick yesterday, I stayed home from work and did some time on the computer and phone before I decided to focus on moving through my Netflix.

For dinner I had left over tomato soup and was really craving a piece of toast with it. I had some sprouted wheat bread and had one piece with butter. It was yummy and doesn't appear to have been bad for my weight.

I think the chili is too much something - my stomach is always upset after I have it. I think I'll do chicken breasts today.

I'm staying home again - I could go to work, but you know how you feel about that coworker that won't stay home when they should? I'm not that guy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.2 lbs.
Overnight Change: -1.6 lbs.
Estimated Calories: 1630

I went to bed at 8PM last night and woke up feeling no better. My head is totally congested and my boss told me I sounded terrible when I called in.

Not much to say. I've got chili and tomato soup from yesterday so I don't have to cook today unless I want to steam some broccoli.

Yesterday - so close to a steak day

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 178.8
Overnight Change:
Estimated Calories: haven't gone there yet.

So, it was election night and we were at a friend's house watching the returns. I probably ate a little too much cheese. I know I ate too much spinach dip. I had two glasses of wine instead of one. I had a glass of champagne after that.

What I did not do is eat any chips, pretzels, etc. I ate a lot of veggies instead.

Oh - lunch that day at work - I got pork stir-fry from the cafeteria at work minus the rice. It was supposed to be spicy and I asked them to go light on the sauce. Holy crap was it sweet! I don't know if I'm super-sensitive to that now since I haven't had anything sweet in so long or it was just obnoxious.

Needless to say, lunch and excesses in the evening almost got me to a steak day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 176.4 lbs.
Overnight Change: -1.2 lbs.
Estimated Calories Yesterday: 1550

I'm feeling a little under the weather. Unfortunately, it could be any number of things. Allergies, food allergies, or a cold. Who knows. I know my throat hurts and I have club voice.

No real change in the food yesterday, but I think my body is still adjusting to a higher fat content. (Read ANY fat content.) I had a stir fry pork at lunch today minus the rice and heavy on veggies. I had them go light on the sauce, but I think it still had sugar in it. We'll see how that goes tomorrow.

Just for reference - I should go no higher than 179 lbs. and no lower than 175 lbs. for three weeks. Here's hoping for no steak days.

Monday, November 3, 2008

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 177.6 lbs.
Overnight change: +2.2 lbs.
Estimated Calories yesterday: 1673

I didn't feel very well last night after I had my chili. The weird thing was it took about five hours for the upset stomach to surface. Today I'm cutting out the bacon and adding a salad.

Oh, I'm also certain I didn't drink enough water yesterday. It's funny how easy that is to drop once you have the opportunity to eat at will.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm not feeling like taking the bikini photos today. I'll do that tomorrow night or something. I am adding this pic of me today, ready to go shopping in my new boots.

I'm a little apprehensive about how much and what to eat in this phase, but I've reread the after injection sections of P&I multiple times this week and think I'm ready. I've also got a nice cushion with a little additional loss since the last injection day.

I'm logging everything I eat in and will avoid adding too many new things in one day so I'll have an easier time isolating problem foods.

Today it's going to be a very Atkins-centric diet. I will add Phase 2 fruits in a couple of days and keep up the salads and veggies.

I am so excited - my body image is actually better than I probably look, but attitude goes a long way towards how people see you.

Phase 3 - Day 1

LIW: 177 lbs.
Current Weight: 175.4 lbs.

The smell of coffee, bacon and eggs are heavy in my kitchen. I am so glad to be here and will be sharing some pics later today after I go shopping for some new winter clothes.

I'll update more later. Coffee with cream is calling me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Weight: 176.0 lbs.
Overnight change: + .8 lbs.
VLCD Day: 40

It's the last day. I am so excited and a little impatient. I've got pre-cooked beef stew for both meals. I went to the farmer's market this morning to get some things for my next phase and have been planning some meals.

Not much else to report. Should take more pics tomorrow.